JOMA6000X4 4' Joma 6000 Snow Plow Blade

Part Number Description Weight Holes A B C D E Hole Spacing Bolt Hole Size End to 1   1 to 2 2 to 3 HWW40 40” Wing Blade 88.6 lbs 19 39.88 6.00” 0.75” 2.69”...
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Category: Cutting Edge, Products

Vendor:BDI Wear Parts

Purchase Inquiry
Part Number Description Weight Holes A B C D E Hole Spacing Bolt Hole Size
End to 1   1 to 2 2 to 3
HWW40 40” Wing Blade 88.6 lbs 19 39.88 6.00” 0.75” 2.69” 70.0° 1.94” 2.00” 2.00” 0.63”
HWW44 44” Wing Blade 98.1 lbs 21 43.88
HWW48 48” Wing Blade 104.2 lbs 23 47.88
HWG36 36” Grader Blade 83.9 lbs 7 35.88 6.00” 0.75” 2.69” 70.0° 2.94” 3.00” 6.00” 0.75”
HWG48 48” Grader Blade 108.7 lbs 9 47.88
HWP36 36” Plow Blade 108.6 lbs 17 35.88 7.81” 0.75” 2.50” 50.0° 1.94” 2.00” 2.00” 0.63”
HWP40 40” Plow Blade 120.4 lbs 19 39.88
HWP44 44” Plow Blade 132.1 lbs 21 43.88
HWP48 48” Plow Blade 151.2 lbs 23 47.88
Part Number Part Name Weight
PGB8614 14” Edge Extendor 27.0 lbs
PGB8624 24” Edge Extendor 41.8 lbs
Part Number Part Name Weight
10620029 Universal Plow Curb Runner 14.2 lbs
6R1458 Grader Curb Runner (5/8 Bolts) 36.2 lbs
6R1434 Grader Curb Runner (3/4 Bolts) 37.3 lbs
Part Number Description Material Weight A B C
1021562 Frink® Shoe Grey Iron 14.8 lbs 8.00” 10.00” 75°
10628008 Tenco® Shoe Grey Iron 32.2 lbs 8.00” 11.29” 45°
10628039 Tenco® Wing Shoe Grey Iron 26.7 lbs 8.00” 10.50” 70/80°
600A55X8 Plow Shoe Alloy Steel 16.9 lbs 8.00” 10.00” 50°
600G55X8 Plow Shoe Grey Iron 16.6 lbs 8.00” 10.00” 50°
600G70X8 Wing Shoe Grey Iron 20.4 lbs 8.00” 10.50” 70°
600A70X12 Wing Shoe Alloy Steel 32.7 lbs 12.00” 14.00” 70°
2185 EDF® Plow Shoe Grey Iron 21.3 lbs 8.00” 11.75” 70°
2185A EDF® Plow Shoe Alloy Steel 22.8 lbs 8.00” 9.75” 70°
301-13 Plow Shoe Grey Iron 23.1 lbs 8.00” 12.75” n/a
V4832 MTO Shoe Grey Iron 28.8 lbs 8.00” 9.75” 72.9°
Part Number Description Material Weight A B C
605-42 Runner Shoe Grey Iron 42.6 lbs 1.13” 7.00” 21.94”
605-A8 Runner Shoe Alloy Steel 33.6 lbs 1.00” 8.00” 20.18”
605-7C16I Runner Shoe Carbide Inserted 30.5 lbs 0.88” 6.00” 20.18”
605-7C18I Runner Shoe Carbide Inserted 30.6 lbs 0.88” 6.00” 20.18”
605-7C24I Runner Shoe Carbide Inserted 30.8 lbs 0.88” 6.00” 20.18”
V8290 Adjuster Bar Alloy Steel 8.2 lbs n/a n/a n/a
V8291-75 Runner Holder Alloy Steel 17.4 lbs n/a n/a n/a
10MUSH Mushroom Runner Grey Iron 41.9 lbs 2.38” 12.00” 12.00”
10MUSH-13H Runner Holder Alloy Steel 9.7 lbs n/a n/a n/a
10628003 Tenco® Runner Grey Iron 21.3 lbs 2.38” 5.00” 11.00”
Part Number Description Weight
10628028 Tenco® Nose Shoe 11.0 lbs
10 Viking® Nose Shoe 13.2 lbs
HWPNR-10 BladeRunner Viking® Nose Shoe 25.5 lbs
HWPNR-FRI BladeRunner Frink® Nose Shoe 25.2 lbs
FRI 54IR Frink® Nose Shoe 13.5 lbs
FRI 54IL Frink® Nose Shoe 13.5 lbs